Sunny Bridge - postcards forwarding service

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Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2011 13:54
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Sunny Bridge - postcards forwarding service

Сообщение Boss »

Link to the postcards forwarding service -

Project goal
Sunny Bridge is designed to bypass disrupted postal routes between countries.

The essence of the problem
Most countries around the world have certain restrictions on sending or receiving international mail. For example, at the beginning of 2024, Azerbaijan does not send mail to 194 countries, UAE – to 137, Russia – to 90.

Solution options
The easiest way is to note when writing the recipient's address that the postcard should be sent in transit through an intermediate country.
So, at the moment, postcards between the USA and Russia can be delivered through Germany. However, intermediate countries can close transit at any time. Or your note requesting transit may be ignored by postal services. In addition, there are situations when options with transit countries do not exist in principle.
If you absolutely need to send a postcard to a country with which mail exchange is limited, or vice versa, to receive a postcard from there, you can try to find a forwarding intermediary in a third country. This step lengthens delivery times and increases the likelihood of postcard being lost in transit when adding a new section of the route, so the services of intermediaries should be resorted to when there are no other options.
Sunny Bridge is one such forwarding services that forwards mail through Turkey, where there are not many broken routes.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 76
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2011 13:54
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Re: Sunny Bridge - postcards forwarding service

Сообщение Boss »

How I adore the community of English-speaking postcrossers.

After publishing the announcement in the general forum, the guys managed to fill up a full Panama hat with crap, accused them of using a link to the postcrossing mail monitor, and all other mortal sins, including the desire to rape the Queen of England and kill Kennedy, they told the moderators, they sent angry letters and a message on the forum nailed down.

For those in the tank.

The collective farm is a voluntary matter, no one forces anyone to do anything.
If you don't like it, don't eat it.

But seriously, after receiving feedback, there is a strong desire to disable the English interface forever.
